“Don’t mind me,
I’m out getting lost under the moon,
watching bats wheel
and vultures go to bed
and listening,
to whippoorwills and starsong,
Don’t seek me
I’m dancing with sunset,
studying the shapes
of clouds and leaves,
serenading violets
and waltzing with wild
berries. Don’t try to tell me
what to do
or ask me when the taxes
are due
I’m busy slipping between shadows
and under raindrops
and fining out where the river flows.
Don’t worry about me
I’m dialoguing with crows
and dandelions,
watching butterflies dance
and remembering the witching
that was lost
when we stopped looking for the moon
and forgot to listen to flowers.
Don’t call me back,
I’m uncovering magic
and remembering dreams,
following secrets laid down
by moss and mushroom
and tracking down wisdom
in holy books of bark and stone.”

“Under the Moon” by Molly Remer 2021

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